Monday 21 December 2015

The team have moved on apace again with the deconstruction of the 'other' area beyond the current centre walls. Most of the old aviaries have been collapsed and we're starting to get a real feel of how we are going to use this area to its full potential. It's amazing how much having a blank canvass can change your perception of a space. It's so much more open now and there is so much space for us to use.

Lila took a bit of a fall yesterday - after jumping up to catch a stick she fell on her right shoulder and gave a loud yelp and started limping. She's the nuttiest dog so she usually shakes off a scrape here or there. This time however she's not come off so well as, when I went to check on her later in the day, she could bare no weight at all on her right leg. Straight to the vets we went who seemed to think there were no breaks but that it was unsure if she could have a fracture.  After some anti-inflammatory and some pain medication she seems much brighter this morning and is baring at least some of her weight on the leg. The trials our animals put us through!

We're all organised for Christmas now and its good to know that we're all going to get a chance to have a break - including the birds. From 23rd December until mid-March we will not be flying so it means we can get a lot of the work we need doing before we open again next year. That said, it's been easier to get a few of those things done even this month as we have not seen very many visitors at the flying displays but we are ever grateful to those who do attend. Visitors who have seen the flying displays have had extra special treatment and have been flying some of the birds with us. The news coverage of the floods across Cumbria has been 'bad for business' to say the least even though we have been barely seen any flooding in our area. And it's still raining as I look outside the office!

I've also been working with Andy and Denise to create a new leaflet for the new year. It's looking very colourful and gives us our first chance to market the Hawk and Owl Centre alongside the Castle. We couldn't do this last year as we started our season in May - too late to tell the world too much before we had to be flying birds.

Thank you very much to all of you who follow this blog and have supported the Hawk and Owl Centre in our first year. We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2016 (which hopefully will include a trip to see us at the centre!).